So, I know what you're thinking. Who is this Fred Phelps, and why must he die? Well I'm glad you asked. Fred Phelps is the Pastor of the Westboro Baptist Church, in Topeka, Kansas. But why would you wish harm on a man of the cloth? Truly he must be a good, noble man, right? Well, not exactly. You see Fred and his congragation like to protest the funerals of people that died of AIDS. Let me repeat that, HE PROTESTS FUNERALS OF PEOPLE THAT DIED OF AIDS.
You see, Fred believes that homosexuality and its acceptance have doomed most of the world to eternal damnation. And that his boy, Jesus, sent the world AIDS as a tool to help his Church exterminate gay people.
Here is an example of some of the slogans they put on their signs...
Thank God for 9/11
God hates fags
AIDS cures fags
Fags die, God laughsSeriously, you can't make shit like this up. And just to add to the madness, Fred also calls for the end of Jews, Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians, which shouldn't come as any shock, but he also runs anti-Swedish, anti-Irish, and anti-Canadian websites, which is...well...kind of odd.
So I could literally go on forever about this guy, but I thought it would be more fun to let you guys do it. Go nuts, this guy is the worst of the worst.