Thunder Tits went there.
"So does that mean we should put Jesus in the death car? I think he should ride shot gun, it seems fitting to his position in the heirarchy of heaven.
Who should drive Jesus' car of death?
I think maybe Lisa Marie Preistly. Just because. And they both have a father inferiority complex."
So I Google Searched "Lisa Marie Preistly" and Google threw up on me. It turns out that LMP does indeed share the same last name as her father (who was the King of Rock & Roll),and not an aging teen sensation, (who was the King of the Andreas Zuckerman's Ass).
Anyways, names aside, Thunder made some hay with her Jesus blast, and that is worth 10 DeathCar Points. Where can you redeem these points? At your Mom's house. What does that even mean? It doesn't matter. Idiot.
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