Nude Dude.

Lastly, she pictured to herself how this same little sister of hers would, in the after-time, be herself a grown woman; and how she would keep, through all her riper years, the simple and loving heart of her childhood; and how she would gather about her other little children, and make their eyes bright and eager with many a strange tale, perhaps even with the dream of Wonderland of long ago; and how she would feel with all their simple sorrows, and find a pleasure in all their simple joys, remembering her own child-life, and the happy summer days.


  1. Is this the San Francisco version of the movie "The Warriors"?

  2. it's like someone was secretly watching me infront of my bathroom mirror and got a whole bunch of dudes to copy my dances......uncanny really....they just missed the cow's mask I usually wear.

  3. Strange, I usually don a cowboy hat...wanna make-out?

  4. just a typical wednesday night in montreal.


What do you want?